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M42PL - A Data Manipulation Language

M42PL is a Data Manipulation Language, inspired by Unix shells and Splunk.

The language is extremely simple to learn and to use, yet powerfull and versatile. It is designed to make data manipulation trivial, even for non-technical users.


Query an URL

| url ''
| fields response.content, response.status
| eval message = 'Your external IP is ' + response.content

Run a HTTP server

| http_server with
    '*' on '/foo' = [
        | echo
        | eval path='foo', mode='infinite+iterator'
        | fields path, mode
    '*' on '/bar' = [
        | eval path='bar', mode='infinite+stream'
        | fields path, mode
    '*' on '/{path}' = []

Capture and stream a video

This requires the installation of m42pl-vision

| cv2_read
| cv2_resize ratio=0.5
| zmq_pub topic='webcam'

Display a video stream

This requires the installation of m42pl-vision

| zmq_sub topic='webcam'
| decode {zmq.frames[0]} with 'msgpack'
| cv2_show cv2.frame