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M42PL - Core commands

M42PL core commands are akin to a standard library. Although M42PL can run without the core commands, most deployment will include the m42pl-commands package.

Commands are documented under the Commands section, and are regrouped by tags on the Commands type page.

About this documentation

Commands documentation is generated automatically using the following M42PL script:

| readfile `joinpath('templates', '')` as template
| assert field(render_mode) and field(render_path) and length(template) > 0
| foreach [
    | mpl_commands
    | where not match(command.alias, '^_.*')
    | stats
        values(command.aliases) as command.aliases,
        first(command.type) as command.type,
        first(command.syntax) as command.syntax,
        first(command.schema) as command.schema,
        first(template) as command.template,
        first(render_mode) as render_mode,
        first(render_path) as render_path,
        by command.about
    | eval command.alias = at(command.aliases, 0)
    | encode command.schema with 'json' as command.jsonschema
    | foreach [
        | readfile `joinpath('templates', 'command_' + command.alias + '.md.j2')` as command.template
    | jinja src=command.template dest=command.render searchpath='templates'
    | write command.render to `joinpath(render_path, 'command_' + command.alias + '.md')`
    | ignore output buffer=1 header=yes